Bad Blogger.

I’ve been slacking in the blogging department lately! A lot has been going on the last few weeks… In the interest of not writing a 20-page blog entry, I’ll briefly summarize: Continue reading

Revealed: Coffee Table & Living Room Revamp

I should never promise to post things the next day, as things have a way of not working out. Finishing up the coffee table took a bit longer than expected because I skipped one very important step (especially when you have two dogs in the house) — wiping the table down before polyurethaning the piece of furniture. By skipping this step I got tons of dog hair in the final finish and had to sand it, do some touch up painting and then polyurethane it a second time. Stupid. After all of that, I’m very happy with how it turned out, although we do need to seek out some new knobs asap.


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Making It Ours

About a month ago, I scored a great deal at the Salvation Army — $10 for a huge, solid coffee table. It was beat up, with bumps and scrapes and most noticeably a corner that had fallen off and then been poorly reattached. Still, I knew I had to have it as soon as I saw it because I had come to hate our laminate topped coffee table which was peeling on the edges and wanted something sturdier, ideally with a drawer for remotes, which this one does have! Continue reading

Operation Sephora: Bridal Makeover

Yesterday, I had an appointment at our local Sephora, set up by my friend/bridesmaid/wedding makeup guru through Basically, so long as you commit to spending a minimum of $50 (which I definitely did), they’ll give you a makeover for … Continue reading

100 Days!

Today I checked a wedding app on my phone and saw this:

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